Security classes according European Standard EN 1627:2011.


EN 1627:2011 represents the European Standard for the burglar resistant classifications of domestic and commercial door sets and windows. There are 6 resistance classifications (RC) which comprise the EN 1627:2011 standard, and determine the level of burglar resistance offered by a security product.


Classification level:


RC 1 Protection against unexperienced intruder.  Doors for premises with low burglary risk.


RC 2 Protection against occasional intruder. Popular security doors for premises with ordinary level risk of burglary. 


RC3 High protection against experienced intruder. Uses additionally heavy duty burglary tools. Most common security doors for premises with high risk of burglary.


RC4 Very high protection against experienced or professional intruder. Includes those attacks which were intentional and well-planned.  Most common security doors for premises with very high risk of burglary.


RC 5 Extremely high security doors usually used for military and industrial premises.


RC 6 Extremely high security doors usually used for premises like military bunkers and etc.




The EN 1627 classifications are determined by meeting the specified hardware requirements alongside the level of resistance achieved in 3 type tests:

EN 1628 the first measures resistance under static loading, and is designed to measure the overall mechanical strength of the product.

EN 1629 the second test, dynamic loading, assesses the level of resistance to physical attacks without the use of tools, such as kicking or shoulder barging.

EN 1630 the third test method is manual testing, which gauges the ability of a product to withstand attempts at forced entry using a selection of tools, over a stipulated period of time based on test class.




EN 1627 specifies that certified security products meet minimum requirements for glazing and locking mechanisms:




Classification Level

EN 1627:2011





EN 356




EN 1303




EN 12209








EN 1303 (4)



EN 12209 (3)





EN 356 (P4A)


EN 1303 (4)



EN 12209 (3)





EN 356 (P5A)


EN 1303 (4)



EN 12209 (4)





EN 356 (P6B)


EN 1303 (6)



EN 12209 (7)





EN 356 (P7B)


EN 1303 (6)



EN 12209 (7)





EN 356 (P8B)


EN 1303 (6)



EN 12209 (7)